Thank you card with bouquet of peonies and little wild flowers

Thank you card with peonies and some wild flowers.

My all-time favorites things to draw are cats, and plants and flowers. Oh, and also books! If you have all of this, you can almost touch the sky with your fingertips, don't you think?
Cat love
Cat love
Cat poses
Cat poses
Cat, books and plants II
Cat, books and plants II
Cat, books and plats IV
Cat, books and plats IV
Cat, books and plats III
Cat, books and plats III
Stationery in orange
Stationery in orange
Wine o'clock
Wine o'clock
Floral drawing I: camelia
Floral drawing I: camelia
Floral drawing II: butomus umbellatus
Floral drawing II: butomus umbellatus
Floral drawing III: hydrangea
Floral drawing III: hydrangea
Floral drawing IV: bellis perennis
Floral drawing IV: bellis perennis
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